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Image by Carissa Rogers


Witness Church Charlotte exists to be a light in darkness, demonstrating the transformative power of Jesus Christ to change lives and communities.


The four pillars are the foundational principles and values that guide our mission, operations, and growth.

These pillars serve as essential frameworks upon which the entire ministry is built and sustained.

The Great Commandment

Matthew 22:37-40

The commandment to love is the impetus for all we do at WCC. Our mandate to love comes from Jesus as our example in loving God by receiving His love for us, and in demonstrating our love for one another as the mark of our discipleship.

The Great Commission

Matthew 28:19-20

We have been compelled to go to all the nations because Jesus sent those who are His to make disciples. Our apostolic sending assignment extends beyond the sacred gathering in the church building to every arena where disciples can be made.

The Power Pronouncement

Acts 1:8

Our assignment in the earth comes with supernatural equipping. We are committed to teaching and activating spiritual gifts because of the power pronouncement of Jesus Christ. Our witness is effective and true because of the power of the Holy Spirit in us.

The Formation of the Church

Acts 2:42-47

Our church is modeled and built after the first century church template. We see the building of authentic spiritual community as the catalyst for transformation in the region. The Book of Acts shows the ministry of the saints as the paradigm for expansive growth, both in maturity and number.


Based on Acts 2:42-47

Lifestyle of Worship

We are committed to cultivating a daily lifestyle of worship that goes beyond traditional gatherings. In every aspect of our lives, we seek to honor God through heartfelt praise, adoration, and a genuine pursuit of His presence. Our desire is to create a culture where worship is not confined to a building but permeates every moment of our existence.


At Witness Church Charlotte, we believe in the transformative power of generosity. We are called to be cheerful givers, sharing our time, resources, and talents to meet the needs of others. By living out a spirit of generosity, we aim to reflect God's love and provide practical support to our local and global communities.


We value authentic relationships and intentional community. Witness Church Charlotte is a place where individuals can find genuine connection, support, and accountability. Through small groups, gatherings, and shared experiences, we strive to build a community that fosters spiritual growth, encouragement, and a sense of belonging.

Supernatural Demonstration

Embracing the supernatural power of God, we seek to demonstrate His love through miraculous signs, wonders, and manifestations of the Holy Spirit. We believe in the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit, empowering believers to live impactful lives and be instruments of God's healing and transformation in the world.


Witness Church Charlotte exists to facilitate personal and societal transformation. Through the teachings of the Bible, the power of prayer, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we aim to see lives radically changed. Our goal is to empower individuals to walk in the fullness of their God-given potential, experiencing spiritual, emotional, and physical transformation.

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